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Monday, November 8, 2010

Staying sober-Doctor Lisa Alloju

Alcoholism and drug addiction are extremely difficult to deal with. Both these problems involve the use of habit-forming substances that change the chemistry of the brain by acting on the receptors of the brain. The main reason why alcoholics and drug addicts find it difficult to stay sober is due to the biological effect these addictive substances.

Doctor Lisa Alloju helps patients cope with this problem. While some of them need their daily dose of alcohol and drugs to stay alive and power their addiction, many people have more deep-seated behavioral and psychological problems that need to be addressed before they think of joining a rehabilitation program. When people drink to forget, there is a much bigger problem that needs expert medical supervision and psychotherapy. Doctor Lisa Alloju is a skilled and highly qualified psychiatrist who treats drug addiction and alcoholism as the symptoms of a psychological problem or issue and not as the main problems that needs treatment.

Narcotics Anonymous, Crystal Meth Anonymous, Marijuana Anonymous, Heroin Anonymous and Cocaine Anonymous and Alcoholic Anonymous are programs that have helped many people. But, there are a large percentage of addicts and alcoholics who have had a very tough time getting and staying sober. Many of them are known to take to the bottle again while drug addicts have a tough time staying sober. The efficacy of these counseling programs and their group therapy methods are not questionable. However, the area of concern here is to understand the best treatment method that will help people stay sober forever. Doctor Lisa Alloju goes about the process of helping people stay sober by helping them accept that their addiction is a problem and then stresses the importance of an immediate and complete change in the quality of their life and not just their lifestyle.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Panic Attacks-Dr. Lisa Alloju

Panic attacks are a chronic problem. When there are recurring episodes of a panic attack, this problem is referred to as panic disorder or anticipatory attacks. The symptoms of the problem include, but are not limited to anxiety, hyperventilation, nausea, dizziness, uncontrollable and unexplained fear, nervous trembling, etc. If you are suffering from an ongoing onslaught of panic attacks, Dr. Lisa Alloju is the psychiatrist who can help you.

She has many years of experience and has helped scores of patients either minimize or eliminate the symptoms associated with these panic attacks. Research indicates that panic attacks usually occur as additional symptoms that can be associated with other more serious psychological disorders like bipolar disorder. A systematic approach to the problem combined with counseling and drug therapy can work wonders. Dr. Lisa Alloju uses the best and the latest methods to help her patients cope with their panic attacks. She guides you throughout the treatment process and assures you of total recovery each and every step of the way.

Panic attacks have no definite basis as the reasons for them may range from stress to genetic patterns of inheritance. By using a combinatorial approach to tackle panic attack, she helps patients understand the reason for their panic attacks. Behavioral therapy and mental relaxation are the two main treatment methods that have proven to have a lot of efficacy on dealing with the age-old problem of panic attacks.

Dr. Lisa Alloju has helped patients cure their problem of panic attacks and panic disorders through accurate diagnosis. An excessive intake of caffeine, (PTSD) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and even a constantly packed work schedule can trigger a panic attack. Taking all these factors into account and creating a suitable treatment program is the responsibility of an expert and she does it with perfection.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bipolar Disorder- Lisa Alloju

Bipolar disorder or manic depression is one of the most well-known and well-researched psychological problems. While cases of bipolar disorder have been accurately diagnosed, people always need a good and supportive doctor and therapist to help them understand what they are going through. Lisa Alloju is a renowned psychiatrist who has handled innumerable cases of manic-depressive disorder or manic-depressive illness that are the other name that bipolar mood disorder is known by.

Lisa Alloju understands bipolar disorder and she has helped many patients over the years not only regain but also retain their lost personalities. Many families and scores of people have been effectively and successfully been treated for bipolar disorder by her.

While a combination of drug treatment and psychotherapy is the best way to go about the treatment, Lisa Alloju introduces a rare and unique element of humanness and understanding to the treatment process. With years of valuable hands-on experience backing her up, she brings a lot of professionalism to the board. Bipolar disorder has a lot of symptoms that more often than not overlap with the signs and symptoms of other personality disorders. In this scenario, a good understanding and a careful analysis of the problem can work wonders in the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder.

Research has classified the disorder into four different categories and these are Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymic Disorder and Not Otherwise Specified. However, a good understanding of the characteristic symptoms associated with each disorder is also extremely important. This helps behavior therapists and psychiatrists determine which category a bipolar patient falls into. The decided category is then the sole factor that aids the decision making process of treatment right from the kind of medication needed to the required dosage that may help provide relief from the symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Social anxiety- Lisa Alloju

Social anxiety disorder or SAD is a kind of phobia that needs the help of a well-trained and professional psychiatrist. Lisa Alloju is the person who can help you cope with your problem of social anxiety. She is a highly experienced medical practitioner who has years of valuable hands-on experience treating people afflicted with the problem of social anxiety. She helps patients handle their nervousness by trying to understand the symptoms associated with their problem to categorize the anxiety as either the generalized or the chronic type for formulating a suitable treatment plan. This solves half the problem.

While cases of mild anxiety are not uncommon, these symptoms eventually transform themselves into a disorder if left untreated and undiagnosed over a prolonged period of time. If you feel you are unable to cope with a social situation, Lisa Alloju is your best bet. Research indicates that an astounding thirteen percent of the population might experience some form of social anxiety or another. Given this astonishing figure, it is highly recommended that you let a psychiatrist help you to give you instant and quick relief in the shortest possible span of time.

A lot of us tend to get a little flustered and nervous or uneasy during a school or college presentation. But, today people from all walks of life seem to exhibit some kind of irrational and unexplained fear when it all boils down to interacting socially. Lisa Alloju helps you cope with this problem of constant fear. She is adept at addressing issues that include an imaginary feeling of total rejection and dejection to humiliation.

Only a well-read and talented psychiatrist can correctly understand the predicament of a person afflicted with social anxiety and this is the main reason seeking medical intervention is the most suitable thing to do.